Our DJ At Your Own Event Summer School, is a fresh and fun way for children to get creative!
A week long course, will see the pupils learn, experiment with and develop a range of musical and creative tools to inspire them and their creativity to new levels! But it’s a summer school! So number one, is FUN!
During the week they will learn how to use DJ equipment, build playlists, understand basic music theory, creatively think about what music and art they like, design a concert poster, film a music video, record samples, use samples, plan and put on their own end of week concert, and understand the basic nuances of the music business.
Featuring lots of interaction, lots of fun activities including group learning sessions with their friends, listening to music, and making music! No one will be bored!
This is a beginner class aimed at 8-11 year olds.
Places are limited.
If any of our courses are not subscribed enough, we reserve the right to refund you and remove the course.